Reliable partner

for more than 30 years we have supported our clients in pumping equipment service and maintenance.

Modern Service Center

as a reliable service partner we execute repairs, maintenance and diagnostics of more than 250 pump manufacturers.

Key projects

we have serviced more than 50,000 pumping devices; some of them are presented here.

We are a step ahead of failures

the key to the efficiency of pumping systems is their regular servicing and maintenance

Energy consumption optimization

we support our clients in generating savings regarding energy consumption and costs

Comprehensive service and maintenance support

stationary service center with mobile service technicians guarantees 24/7 comprehensive support of every customer

Certified partner

we have certificates confirming the highest quality and safety of executed services

Reliable employer

we value long-term relations, therefore we take care of development and we support all our employees

About usJourney

We have been operating in the European market for more than 30 years.
We run a professional authorized service of pumps and offer maintenance services of pumping devices. We operate on the basis of specialist expertise and skills, supported by many years of experience.

Pompax is a multi-brand service center. We adjust our operations to pumping constructions and property requirements, regardless of the manufacturer.
We ensure comprehensive support throughout the process – from pumping devices assembly, through commissioning and proper operation.
We execute repairs, overhauls, inspections and diagnostics of pumps at our plant as well as at the client's premises.
We invite you to visit our cutting edge Service Center, with more than 1000 m2 of workshop area.
Pompax pompa przy siedzibie firmy
Pompax proces tłoczenia
Professional project management

We pump up good solutions

We use our knowledge and experience to support advanced power industry and other industrial projects.

Nasza Misja

Dążymy do dostarczania najlepszych rozwiązań, dopasowanych indywidualnie do potrzeb naszych klientów, stawiając na innowacyjność i kompleksowość świadczonych usług.

Od początku istnienia naszej firmy kładziemy nacisk na profesjonalną jakość realizowanych usług dopasowanych do specyfiki branż.

By osiągać jak najwyższe standardy, zatrudniamy najlepszych specjalistów i ekspertów, a także współpracujemy z placówkami naukowymi.

Nasza wizja

Dostrzegamy w jakim kierunku rozwijają się branże, z którymi współpracujemy. Wiemy, jak istotne stają się oczekiwania w zakresie optymalizacji zużycia energii elektrycznej ze względu na negatywne konsekwencje środowiskowe.

Nie tylko profesjonalna jakość, ale również nasza świadomość w tym zakresie pozwala nam być wartościowym partnerem we wspólnej realizacji strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju.

Nasze doświadczenie kształtuje naszą wiarygodność w oczach partnerów, klientów i pracowników

Eco Responsibility

Pompax Team

In Pompax we appreciate our team consisting of highly qualified specialists in the fields of engineering, construction, and designing pumping systems.

Deputy President of the Management BoardGrzegorz Moliński

Łukasz Adamczak

Sales DirectorŁukasz Adamczak

Sales EngineerJacek Pietrzak

Patryk Becela

Sales EngineerPatryk Becela

Job offers

Join Our Team!


Call us

+48 65 529 99 16

We work at

8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Keep in touch

How can we help you?

Do you need professional support in servicing pumping systems?

Contact our customer support center.

    Mapa pompaxu

    The Company Board

    Kłoda, ul. Przemysłowa 7a
    64-130 Rydzyna

    Service Center

    tel: +48 725 118 116

    Write to us

    Call us

    tel: +48 65 529 99 16
    fax: +48 65 529 99 61

    Satisfied CustomersWe build trust among our Customers

    For more than 30 years Pompax Service has been greatly appreciated by our Customers.

    Thanks to our experience in servicing and modernizing pumping devices we have become a reliable business partner.
    "Zielona Góra" heat and power generating plant

    “Zielona Góra” heat and power generating plant confirms that Pompax Sp. z o.o. performed in 2021 the overhaul of two supply pumps with the power of 1000 kW each. The overhaul was executed timely and with due care and diligence.

    MPWiK S.A. Warszawa

    Completed, among others regeneration of the pump motor shaft, servicing of pumps, repair of the multistage vertical pump, servicing of hydrophore sets.
    Each time the work was confirmed with a service protocol with no comments whatsoever.
