Nowoczesne Centrum Serwisowe Pompax

Inspection of pumping systems with a thermal imaging camera

When the pump is wrongly levelled, the bearing load increases to the critical level.

These loads affect sealing and clutch, causing their premature wear, ultimately leading to failures.
The effect of increased load of the device caused by wrong levelling is the increased temperature both on the coupling and inside the device.

This can be observed by means of a thermal imaging camera.

Such inspection of a pump system allows:
Remote and non-invasive diagnostics
Possible discovery of potential failures (no costs of their elimination)
Does not require stopping / turning off the inspected systems (no downtimes in the device operation)
Much better detection of errors / potential failures than in case of using traditional inspection methods
Guarantee of the best result with reference to the cost of the inspection
Our experience in servicing pumping systems allows performing quick and efficient inspections and tests.